miércoles, 4 de agosto de 2010

Question Number 2

According to my class on August 2, i`m going to answer the following question.

With regard to Organizational behaviour, describe the main role that international business managers may play in the negotiation arena and the importance of developing cross cultural management skills.

The role of a international business manager is to understand the necessities of the costumer, work with them and create a strategy for a working process, that make the costumer buy the item or access to the market we want.

The international business manager is the person in charge to create a relation between the product and the costumer, here is were the organizational behaviour is important, because depending of the culture, religion or other important issues, the international business manager can create a strategy to achieve the goal.

When the international business manager is studing and start working, is important for him to investigate the markets, the cultures, religions and other issues that should be important when a negotiation is taking place, because the words, the costumes, the manners, etc, can influenced very hard the development of any proyect.

Today we can have access to many sources, what open to us a big door to a globalized market, but not to a globalized mind, because every single person is going to continue having it own ideas, believes and manners, so the market should get used to it, and not him to the market.

If we don´t study our market and costumer, we are going to have problems in the development of the proyect and maybe it is not going to be as successful as we think.

In conclusion, when you are creating a new proyect or building a new strategy you have to study first the simple things as a culture, a religion or a gender, that can make your proyect change.

Bibliography of the Photo: Andrew, Toos. www.CartoonStock.com.

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