sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010

Ubuntu Task

Ubuntu Philosophy can be understand as "I’m because we are", this is how a person can be open an available for others, feel happy of how other people make things and not feel embarrassed if someone else make things better that he does.

This philosophy is away from the individualism and helps you think as a group, on how we can make things better so that everyone can be better and can have better opportunities.

This philosophy make us understand why working as a team can be so important, and can make today managers see that if all your team help in a process the result should be better.

The team work is a strategy used by many in the world but is not used very well, because people are always searching to be number one no matter what, and this is not what this is about, you should work as a team to make thinks better, to have better ideas and to increase the productivity of the daily tasks.

If today’s managers really understand that work team is making a difference in how a company should be directed and they make their strategies focused on this, we will see in near future big companies big nice stories to tell as experiences.

To make your employees feel happy and better with you and your company you should make them feel like this company is your, your are here because you are important for us, so that’s why we want to make important thinks for you, such as training, new adaptations, new schedules, allocations and incentives that make them feel important to us.

With these changes you must create a safe working environment where people understand that by working in this company he will always have a boss who will be with him, supporting him in his development as an individual, and the most important thinks is to make him understand that every single think that he is making for the company is a big contribution to the success of the company.

Make your employees feel as an irreplaceable part of the company and let them know that when they are working with every single piece or employee that make part of the company, they are building their own future and their own success.




You Tube, globaloneness | 13 de octubre de 2008

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